How to Stop on a Longboard? Smart Longboarding Tips For You!

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We know how much you prefer to drive your longboard. So, to ride it properly you have to learn how to balance your body as well as how to stop on a longboard without crashing or hurting yourself.

Remember that the first step to taking speed is learning how to stop. So, if you are a beginner you should know how to stop it by controlling your body.

There are several techniques to stop on a longboard and all it needs is enough amount of practice.

We recommend the starter to wear safety gear like a helmet and elbow-knee pads. Sudden falling off in a concrete terrain without pad can give you a rough day.

How to stop on a longboard?

Wings are flowing through your hair and you are gathering speed pumping and pushing is an amazing experience. In different ways, you can brake all from basic to advanced, smooth to progressive or easy to hard.

By putting your feet slightly on the ground you can stop as it makes friction. It’s the easiest way to halt. Always be careful when you cease.

If you stop when your speed is high you may fly to one side and your longboard to the other side. Look forward which option you want to apply to stop on a longboard, from easiest to tough ways:

Method One: Foot Braking.


Know when you need to foot brake to stop. At slow speed, the foot brake should be used only. While riding in a steep hill if you want to carve into a turn then you have to foot off the board. Follow this way for easy-going style at the plain ground and lower speeds.

Prepare yourself with all the elements you need. Don’t forget to wear proper footwear that is essential. Thin-Soled shoes and flip-flops are not recommended to use while performing the foot brake.

The interruption that is made by sliding your shoes on the ground will make your longboard stop. It may ruin your shoes and burns for friction.


Hold your weight to your front foot. To begin, hold the maximum weight of your body to your front foot. Which foot needs to keep in front? Well, it depends on whether you are a goofy or regular rider.

Don’t try foot brake, leaning onto your back foot. If you are going down hills then leaning back will disperse your weight to the direction you are moving at. It means your back foot is shaky than your front one.


Take your back foot higher and drag it on the ground next to the board. If you lean onto your back foot, it will make you step off the board. Give a slight pressure along the ground to slide across.

Know that it can leak your shoes and harm your foot. So make sure to use shoes with large soles that can be dragged along the ground.


Keep pulling your shoes to the ground until it comes to a stop. Slowly apply pressure along the ground and use some pressure slowly from the front to the back.

Apply more pressure to stop quickly. But remember to adjust your balance with the speed to apply the weight.

Friction changes according to the terrain type. So before skating be conscious about the required weight that you need to form friction.

Method Two: Power-sliding


By turning and carving set up the slide. A drastically turning until the board perpendicular to the road can make you stop.

Carving out to your side toes and pointing toeside is one of the most natural powers sliding.

Be aware of any traffic from behind or ahead.


Hold your weight to your heels and front of the board. When you complete your carving out and setting up your power slide, distribute your weight to your heels.

It means Leaning your body weight more to your backward than frontward. Distribute the maximum weight, about 60-70 percent of your body on your front foot which will help you turning or full sliding.

Keeping more weight to your back foot will make sliding harder. So, adjust your body weight as recommended.


Turn your hips and shoulders in the direction you are moving. If you have already adjusted your weight properly, It’s now time for you to turn your hips and shoulders in the direction you are sliding.

Be aware of safety as stone, wood or glass pieces on the road can easily sabotage your slide.


Now it’s time to kick out your back foot. Kick out your foot in the direction you choose. It may turn you to 180 degrees to complete the slide.

Continue to lean your body back throughout the slide. Or else, leaning forward can bring your board completely stop at a higher speed which is not safe.


When you complete your slide, lean forward. Turning 180 degrees and moving, lean forward, which will prevent you from falling back. If you apply all the steps correctly your board will slow down to the point you want to foot brake.

Method 3: Stop by Hopping off or rolling onto a rough surface.


If you are riding at walking speed, you can step off and catch the board. Kick the back of the board jumping off and when your board cam up, grab it with your hand.

While flying fast at running speed, try to bail off and run it out. Run as fast as your board move so that you don’t step off from the board and fall off. Don’t try it when you are moving above 20 mph.

Remember that this technique is risky as it can roll away your body. It can hit someone on the road or interrupt a car driver. By kicking your board back to hop off and slow it down, you can avoid this situation.


Stop by rolling onto a rough surface. While riding move your longboard to the surface that is not smooth and rough enough to create friction. It will make your longboard slow and then stop. In this case, you have to choose the road with patches of grass or gravel on the side.

Remember that you are rolling onto short grass, you can go fast. But rolling onto thick grass can make you fall off.

How to slow down on a longboard?

Knowing how to slow down on a longboard is a must for a longboard ride. The reason is:

When riding your longboard in the busy road or at the time of crossing the road you need to slow down.

To know how to perform sliding you need to slow down.

It will help you to avoid falling when you’re performing advanced technique stunt on your longboard.

Slow down on a longboard is the process which we maintain before we stop. To slow down your longboard just follow the method’s ending step that comes just before stop.

final word

If you want to experience an amazing journey with your favorite longboard, you need to know how to slow down and stop on a longboard. The advance technique braking process will give you a cool attitude.

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